know-how and expertise


Contraceptive wooden dovecotes

As the national and international leader in wooden contraceptive dovecots, SOGEPI SERVIBOIS designs and manufactures all its products in France! We offer a complete range of dovecots for long-term, non-violent, stress-free pigeon management.

Our contraceptive dovecots

Anti-pigeon measures

Bowls, Nets, Grills, Spikes, Stretched Wires, Electric Wires, we offer all types of anti-pigeon protections.


Urban wood furniture

We manufacture and offer for sale or rental all kinds of urban furniture and wooden outdoor games.

Sogepi Servibois Manufacturer and manager of Contraceptive Dovecots

SOGEPI SERVIBOIS is the national and international leader of the concept: Contraceptive Dovecots. As a manufacturer and manager of contraceptive dovecots for over 40 years, we specialize in producing and managing dovecots. We serve communities, businesses, and individuals across decades. Recognized internationally, our French company operates across the entire French territory and is now expanding into Europe and globally.

Our concept of contraceptive dovecots has enabled hundreds of communities to regain control over pigeon regulation. We support communities in the analysis, preparation, audit, manufacturing, and management of urban pigeon populations. As the only company specialized in contraceptive dovecots, SOGEPI SERVIBOIS is recognized worldwide.

With 40 years of experience, SOGEPI SERVIBOIS excels in technical expertise and professionalism. We are a benchmark in animal welfare. Our experience has enabled mathematical and algorithmic advancements. These advancements enhance the operation of our contraceptive dovecots. We strive to continuously improve our methods for better outcomes. Our focus on animal welfare shapes our approach, ensuring ethical practices.

As a manufacturer and manager, we specialize in custom, standard, and second-hand contraceptive dovecots. We prioritize high-quality manufacturing using French materials. These are processed directly in our French factory. We ensure your contraceptive dovecots comply with environmental standards and local regulations.

Contraceptive dovecots: Effective and Ethical

SOGEPI SERVIBOIS can operate anywhere in the European and worldwide. SOGEPI SERVIBOIS is a manufacturer and a manager of contraceptive dovecots in France and we export globally, including dovecot management. High-quality “Made in France” production ensures unmatched tracability. SOGEPI SERVIBOIS aims to provide an alternative for communities seeking to regulate their pigeon populations non-violently and effectively. Contraceptive dovecots offer a long-term solution, allowing cities to combine pigeon control, ecology, and efficiency. SOGEPI SERVIBOIS created this concept and now operates globally. Our experience in France can easily be applied to any country worldwide.


Years of experience


Specialized and trained employees

+ 501

Dovecots installed in France and Europe
